What most babies do by this age:
Social/Emotional Milestones
. Knows familiar people
. Likes to look at self in a mirror
. Laughs
Language/Communication Milestones
. Takes turns making sounds with you
. Blows “raspberries” (sticks tongue out and blows)
. Makes squealing noises
Cognitive Milestones (learning, thinking, problem-solving
. Puts things in her mouth to explore them
. Reaches to grab a toy he wants
. Closes lips to show she doesn’t want more food
Movement/Physical Development Milestones
. Rolls from tummy to back
. Pushes up with straight arms when on tummy
. Leans on hands to support himself when sitting
Other important things to share with the doctor…
. What are some things you and your baby do together?
. What are some things your baby likes to do?
. Is there anything your baby does or does not do that concerns you?
. Has your baby lost any skills he/she once had?
. Does your baby have any special healthcare needs or was he/she born prematurely?